Saturday, November 28, 2009

Alligators in our Pond

We've got a gator in our pond -- can you find him in this picture?

He's eating our fish -- we've got carp, bream, catfish, minnows and more. Hope he'll leave some for us...

Settlin' In

Today is a magnificent day. Sunny, bright, cold. It was 34 degrees when I got into the car this morning.

This is one of those days where everything is unfolding...

I got up this morning and went swimming in the pool before any one else showed up. It was hot and very relaxing, especially to those tense muscles that haven't been worked for awhile. Right as I got out of the pool, the attendants brought big, white, fluffy towels that had come right out of the dryer. Ahhhhhh...

As I drove out of the fitness center, I hopped out of the car, hood over my wet head, to see if there were any pecans (remember, it's pronounced PEEcans) on the ground. While the leaves have started coming down, the big brown hand-like spreads covering much of the uncut grass, I could see a couple of nuts peeking through. It became a treasure hunt. I had to find the season's last pecans. So, I developed a technique. I shuffled my aqua-blue Keen Mary Janes through the lightly frosted grass and leaves until I felt something hard under my foot. A pecan!

So, I ran back to the car, emptied my bathing suit and cap out of the plastic bag I use to carry them, and took the bag across the street to pick. And, I picked and I picked and I picked. Half a bag. I'll shell a couple for breakfast -- and bring the rest to my parents and sister, who have never eaten pecans taken right off the tree.

Drove to the mailroom, picked up the mail, drove over the dike where I saw some egrets and blue herons and on home. On the way home, I tuned into NPR, where I heard an interview with Carl Reiner and Mel Brooks. When you live in the South, car radio becomes much more important as driving becomes a huge part of your life. Did you know that I have to drive 35 minutes to find a pharmacy, extensive grocery store, and a liquor store? That's a lot of driving time for this city girl. So, I pass the driving time listening to music CDs, audio tapes, talking books, radio, and talking to my clients and friends on my hands-free cell phone. It's a strange adjustment from using public transportation for 23 years, that's for sure.

Home to feed the's so cold, they were sleeping under the heater in the garage. Now the dogs are inside with me, one at my feet, Blaze of course, and Xena across the room. I feel warm and happy and content.
Tonight there will be an oyster roast...stay tuned for more stories in tomorrow's edition...!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

A Note to Eve

Dear Evie:

Thanks for wishing me a Happy Thanks-giving. As for your question, did you kill your own turkey? The answer is: no, turkey season is in the spring. :o)

But, if we had been stalking an unlucky turkey, this is what his "track" would have looked like. I took this picture on our "farm" on October 25th.

Much love, Leslie

BANG BANG...An Untraditional Thanksgiving

In my old life, a traditional Thanksgiving meant going to church, hearing the people in the congregation give thanks for blessings received during the year, followed by a yummy turkey and friends and family at my parents' house.

In my new life, everything is different. Thanksgiving means...shooting? That's right.

Today, instead of going to church, I called in to a church service broadcast by one of my former churches in Connecticut. It was fun to listen in...I could recognize many voices.

As is true with my new life, it was a day packed with adventure. My husband and I took a glorious bike ride around the plantation. On the way, we stopped at a car that was parked in the middle of the road. What were they doing? Give up? Why...seeding oyster beds, that's what. Of course. :o)

Then we came back to start the next adventure of the day. A little background...Jeff, my husband's best friend, passed on right before our wedding, and we have stayed close to his family ever since. His wife still lives next door for part of the year. So, today, we spent our Thanksgiving with her, and her daughter and son-in-law and two grandsons.

We took all of them -- minus Sara who was cooking -- to our "farm". Jesseca and I picked while the guys did "boy things." Here's a picture of me pickin'.

And, here's a picture of what we picked!

Then, she and I walked part of the grounds, ending up at the pond where the guys were fishing. Lots of fun, not a lot of fish.

Later on, we went shooting...that's what you can do when you live on a sporting plantation. Even the ladies shoot, usually not to kill, just to hit the sporting clays. I'm not there yet, but will let you know when I take my first shot.

A different Thanksgiving, for sure, but it was a great day.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Check out this sunset!

Check out this sunset -- I took this picture from our backyard. Gorgeous!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

New Day Tomorrow!

After days of rain, I see a clearing. Here is the view off of our backyard.

Tomorrow will be a new day!